
Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Kiwis Try To Buy New Zealand Beach

abeltasmanNew Zealand is trying to buy a beach for 2 million. It is a  private  beach is on Awaroa Inlet, with the current owners looking for around $2million. However, the New Zealand public want to buy the beach for the all Kiwi’s to enjoy and share.The beach’s online listing states it is the “best on the planet”.A Givealittle page has been set up for people to donate to.  So far over $1.5million has been pledge for the cause. 
 Kiwis Beach      

My Cousins Birthday

It was my cousin's brithday was on Sunday and it was at my mums house.

We were helping them with my cousins birthday I was doing the cooking with my other cousins and mostly I did the cake it was a chocolate cake. I was the one that ate the most that's why I'm sick. We did dances after that we clean up cause it was a mess at my mums house.Then we went to my aunty and uncles house we ate coconut. Then we went to sleep at my house. Image link

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Waitangi Holiday

On Waitangi day it was my cousins birthday so we had a  B.B.Q at my aunt's house. It was in the morning around 10 am and we also went to cricket games with my cousins and it was at  Point England park and also we took some food and swimming togs to swim at the beach. Beach